1:1 Touquet 2019 : qui seront les éditeurs étrangers ?
La prochaine édition des rencontres éditeurs se déroulera au Touquet Paris-Plage les 3 & 4 juillet prochains. Pendant deux jours, les éditeurs et les fournisseurs de technologies AdTech & MarTech pourront se rencontrer et échanger autour de problématiques publicitaires communes. L’une des grandes nouveautés de cette année est l’internationalisation de l’événement avec la présence d’une quinzaine d’éditeurs internationaux. Découvrez-les :
Les éditeurs étrangers

The Daily Mail is the leading mid-market daily newspaper in the UK. Established in 1896, it is hugely influential and an integral force in the British cultural and political landscape. In touch with the hearts and minds of ‘Middle England’, it reflects the concerns, hopes and lifestyle of this powerful audience that forms the economic backbone of Britain, with the power to make or break brands. With a proud tradition of editorial integrity and campaigning journalism, the Daily Mail is a trusted newsbrand and a consistent market leader, accounting for one in every four newspapers sold in the UK.

DPG Media est un groupe média leader en Flandres qui touche ses lecteurs, surfeurs, auditeurs audio et vidéo avec des histoires fortes, des nouvelles très récentes et du divertissement de qualité. Depuis le 1 janvier 2019, Medialaan et de Persgroep ont alliés leurs forces dans les différents canaux médias sous une enseigne. Le 23 mai 2019, cette nouvelle enseigne reçoit le nom officiel de DPG Media. Television, journaux, radio, magazines, Telco et services online sont construit ensemble dans cette nouvelle maison avec une couche média créative orienté vers le futur. Les piliers de ce groupe se composent de marques médias fortes comme VTM, Het Laatste Nieuws, Qmusic, Dag Allemaal, De Morgen, Humo, VTM NIEUWS. En tant que régie publicitaire de ce groupe média, nous avons l’ambition d’offrir à nos partenaires et nos annonceurs un service complet de qualité, de transparence et de confiance.

Economia Digital is an independent spanish media company. Born in Barcelona ten years ago. We have created and developed some vertical information products focused in specifics areas: business, sports, tech and travel. Economiadigital.es , diariogol.com , cerodosbe.com and finanzas.com. complete our offer of contents. We know that is dificult compete with the 3 or 4 media group in our country. We try to offer always a different point of view of the most relevant news and with the diffrence that we are 100% independent. We are the 5th native media in Spain.

Online publisher media company from 2001. We publish just confidential and exclusive articles. Our newsroom is oriented to slow journalism, we are nor concerned about last news we work to bring our readers arguments and reasons why the matter is going on.

elEconomista is an economic newspaper edited by Editorial Ecoprensa S.A. It was launched on February 28, 2006 with the ambition of creating a new concept of economic journalism. Among its audience we find true decision makers who, from their respective sectors, embody business innovation in Spain and Latin America. elEconomista.es with more than 12 million unique users per month, is the undisputed leader of economic and financial information in Spanish and a prestigious benchmark for innovation in value services.

europa press is the leading private news and multimedia agency in Spain since its foundation in 1957. More than 400 professionals produce an average of 2,000 news reports daily which are broadcasted simultaneously from the Agency teletype service to all the media (newspapers, radio, television and digital media), Press Offices of the Central Administration, Autonomous Regions, political parties and companies and therefore make it an essential information tool. The europa press website, with more than 8 million unique users and 24 million page views per month (OJD), provides information to the public, such as news and current up-to-date videos. The contents of www.europapress.es are continuously being updated, illustrated and classified in different themes and portals. europa press is actively present in social networks. The different thematic areas of the agency broadcast the main information of the day live, through social networks, with 3 million followers on Twitter and Facebook and 752,000 subscribers in 36 channels of the YouTube Network.

We are a content-first media company that brings you the sporting moments that matter, from hard hitting untold stories and breaking news to the funnier side of sport. We have over 26 million fans across social media and have recently launch a new movement in women sports GMSW led by Benny Bonsu.

Global Media Group is one of the largest media groups in Portugal, with a presence in the Press, Radio and Internet sectors. The group includes reference brands such as TSF, centennial brands such as Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias, the sports brand O Jogo and the economic brand Dinheiro Vivo. These are the feminine information with the Delas and the human mobility information with Motor 24, as well as the title of N-TV entertainment information. In the area of magazines are Evasões, Around the World, News Magazine, Men’s Health and Women’s Health. To this portfolio are added the new DN Ócio, DN Life and DN Insider brands, which constitute Diário de Notícias portfolio with its digital presence. They are further complemented by the weekly magazine 1864.

Based on the rise of new market needs and Grupo Godó’s constant effort to stay at the avantgarde of new trends, Godó Strategies offers comprehensive communication services to a wide portfolio of clients. With a team of over 130 professionals in Barcelona, Madrid, Girona, Tarragona, and Bilbao, and over 30 advertising supports, we are the first media agency in Catalonia, and one of the largest in Spain. Our focus is to offer tailor-made strategic solutions for our clients, which we tackle from a creative, innovative and optimisation-oriented perspective.

Italiaonline est la plus grande société Internet italienne avec 5,3 millions d’utilisateurs uniques* qui surfent chaque jour sur ses sites web, dont 3,5 millions à partir du mobile, et une audience de 63%**. Italiaonline offre des services de marketing web et de publicité numérique, y compris la gestion de campagnes publicitaires et la génération de leads via les réseaux sociaux et les moteurs de recherche. L’objectif stratégique de l’entreprise est de consolider le leadership de l’Italie sur le marché de la publicité numérique pour les grands comptes et les services de marketing local – avec pour mission la numérisation des PME nationales. Pour les PME, véritable colonne vertébrale du pays, Italiaonline offre un portefeuille complet de produits intégrés sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des services numériques, de la présence en ligne à la publicité numérique, en passant par la conception web, le marketing web et les solutions cloud. Aujourd’hui Italiaonline comprend les portails Libero, Virgilio et superEva, les services pour les entreprises et les citoyens Pagine Gialle, Pagine Bianche et Tuttocittà, l’agence de publicité en ligne IOL Advertising et plus de 660 agents qui forment le plus grand réseau italien de consultants pour les services et produits pour les grandes et petites entreprises.

Minute Media is a leading media and technology company focused on two main pillars—platform and content. Minute Media’s platform serves as the company’s foundation, powering our content as well as enabling the evolution of other market-leading digital media brands. To date, Minute Media’s owned and operated destinations include 90min, 12up, DBLTAP, Mental Floss and The Big Lead.

Motorpress Ibérica is a publishing house focused in sports, lifestlye, cars and motorbikes segments. Also a motor and sports event organizer as well as learning consultant for corporations. Sport events and “My Healthy Company” forum aim to gather people to sports practice and healthy habits. Motorpress is the organizer of Women Race, Seville Marathon and Yoga Run. Motor events try to make customers near to the product with our experts. Test drives, PR launches, Test the Best and Motociclismo Days among the examples.

Newsner was started as a part of N365 Group in 2014 as digital magazine specialised in social media distribution. Today we have 20+ million visitors globally each month and are active in 14 languages. Our videos on Facebook have a record of 900 million views in just 1 month.

OLX Group – 18 classifieds brands worldwide. In Poland we operate a network of market-leading trading platforms (OLX, Otomoto, Otodom) that are used by 17 mln people every month to buy and sell almost anything.
OLX.pl (vertical) is the major classifieds site in Poland, among top 8 websites with almost 5,5 billions page views each month and 14 mln useres. Our traffic is highly segmented and covers 16 market segments and categories.
Otomoto.pl (horizontal) – 7 mln users, is the biggest place to buy cars and bikes in Poland. It has a massive database of loads of different vehicles and connects thousands of dealers and private sellers with millions of potential buyers. In some months it clocks up seven million users, who are all there for an easy and effective way to buy, sell or trade vehicles in Poland.
Otodom.pl (horizontal) – 5 mln users, is the most popular real estate website in Poland. Thousands of properties are available for sale and rent to find a new home or the perfect location for your business.

Viber is a calling and messaging app that connects people–no matter who they are, or where they’re from. Rakuten Viber, we connect people. Our global user base has access to a range of features like one-on-one chats, video calls, group messaging, and updates and discussions with their favourite brands and celebrities. We ensure our users have a secure and free environment to share their emotions. Rakuten Viber is part of Rakuten Inc., a world leader in e-commerce and financial services. It is the official communication channel of FC Barcelona, and the official instant messaging and calling app partner of the Golden State Warriors. Join Viber today and enjoy the world’s best communication experience.

VICE is a global youth media company and the industry leader in producing and distributing the best online video content in the world. Launched in 1994 as a punk magazine, VICE now operates out of 36 offices globally, and has expanded into a multimedia network, including the world’s premier source for original online video, VICE.COM; an international network of digital channels; a television & feature film production studio; a magazine; a record label; and a book-publishing division.

Vozpópuli is a digital newspapper focused in econonmy and political issues. It was found in 2011 and is under the direction of the journalist Jesús Cacho. The staff is formed by more than 40 people, most of them are journalist. Since 2016, Vozpóupli has dupicated his audiencies because the team has implemented a huge tecnological change in the web site. Also it has been an important transformation of the work proceess of the journalist, who made that the newspaper has become more atractive for the readers.

Wazimo is a publishing house that mixes the creation of engaging content with cutting edge technology. We have thoughtfully curated our content and developed our technology to create user experiences that captivate. Our content covers a wide variety of topics across various niches, from history to parenthood, and can be found on our multiple owned and operated websites. Based in the heart of Tel Aviv, our team continually strives for growth while never allowing quality to fall by the wayside for our 80 million monthly users.

For almost 95 years, TIME has set the global agenda, and been at the center of conversation of technological, social and environmental shifts, that shaped the way people conduct and interact in society and business. This year’s special Davos issue led the conversation on how to navigate the 4th industrial revolution. Coming up, we explore how innovative leaders (Next Gen Start Ups), companies (Genius Companies) and products (Best Inventions) are changing the world. And our new AI special report will address how an AI centric future will shape the future of business. TIME continues to be the world’s most trusted news brand* with innovative and immersive experiences that educate, inspire and entertain 100m+ global consumers.