Rencontres Editeurs Barcelone 2020 : Les éditeurs Internationaux
Les prochaines rencontres éditeurs se dérouleront à Barcelone les 29 & 30 janvier prochains. Editeurs et Fournisseurs de technologies AdTech & MarTech se réuniront pour échanger autour de problématiques communes et partager des moments de convivialité.
Durant ces 2 jours, 120 participants sont attendus, dont plus de 70 éditeurs français et internationaux.
Découvrez qui seront les éditeurs internationaux :

We’re a digital native company with innovation and strategy in our DNA, born from the creative energy of three people. Nowadays, we distinguish ourselves with our know-how in creating digital strategies encompassing two fundamental pillars : performance and audience building. Thus, we guarantee the ability to target and classify an audience to optimize results. With around 7 million monthly visits (just in Portugal), E-konomista and Vida Ativa aim to provide relevant and useful content for the users’ daily lives, and to segment audiences by interests. With that, our publishing projects provide solutions to help brands impact their potential customers through audience building and performance strategies

Dexerto is the largest independent esports & gaming publisher globally, offering compelling esports editorial, video and live broadcasting content that attracts a large, fast-growing and specific demographic. With language-specific websites in English, French & Spanish we make sure to provide culturally-tuned content to our readers across different regions. This gives us the ability to target brands on a global but also regional level.

DPG Media est un groupe média leader en Flandres qui touche quotidiennement ses lecteurs, surfeurs, auditeurs audio et vidéo avec des nouvelles très récentes et du divertissement de qualité. Depuis le 1 janvier 2019, Medialaan et Persgroep ont allié leurs forces dans les différents canaux médias sous une enseigne : DPG Media. Les piliers de ce groupe se composent de marques médias fortes comme VTM, Het Laatste Nieuws, Qmusic, De Morgen, 7sur7, Humo… En tant que régie publicitaire de ce groupe média, nous avons l’ambition d’offrir à nos partenaires et nos annonceurs un service complet de qualité, de transparence et de confiance.

Economía Digital is the third most consulted native internet news group in Spain, according to comScore data. Our project was founded in Barcelona on 15th November, 2008. The expansion has been constant, with the objective of strengthening ties with the user communities and satisfying their informative interests. Businessmen and high-paid liberal professionals make up the bulk of our readers (54.6%). Keeping our focus, the original offer has expanded to the tourism (creating in 2011 Cerodosbé) and sports (after the adquisition in 2012 of Diario Gol). In 2011, the specific site news, Economía Digital Galicia, was founded and five years later, the next stage of growth was Economía Digital Ideas and creation of ED Libros. Medium annual magazine emerges from the combination of both activities: the daily analysis of current affairs and the edition of political and economic essays. Our next step. In June 2018, was Smartzings: the specialized and trend-setter site related to technology on the economy and social and political transformation. In January 2019, we announced the acquisition of 100% of the historic weekly Inversión Magazine and its site. Economía Digital sets up its current journalistic offer through a set of niches – oriented sites, Inversión Magazine weekly, the ED Libros collection and podcasts production.

eDreams ODIGEO est l’une des principales agences de voyage en ligne dans le monde et l’une des sociétés e-commerce les plus importantes en Europe. Avec ses quatre marques leaders sur le marché des agences de voyage en ligne (eDreams, GO Voyages, Opodo, Travellink) et son métamoteur de recherche (Liligo), la société propose l’une des meilleures offres de vols réguliers, low cost, hôtels, croisières, locations de voitures, voyages combinés, forfaits vacances et assurances voyage, pour rendre le voyage plus facile et plus accessible et offrir plus de valeur ajoutée à plus de 18,5 millions de clients sur 46 marchés. eDreams ODIGEO est cotée à la bourse espagnole.

El Confidencial Digital is an online publisher media company from 2001. We publish confidential and exclusive articles. Our newsroom is oriented to slow journalism which means that we are not only concerned about the last news, but we also work to bring arguments and reasons of what is happening to our readers.

ElEconomista is an economic newspaper edited by Editorial Ecoprensa S.A. It was launched on February 28, 2006 with the ambition of creating a new concept of economic journalism. Among its audience we find true decision makers who, from their respective sectors, embody business innovation in Spain and Latin America. with more than 12 million unique users per month, is the undisputed leader of economic and financial information in Spanish and a prestigious benchmark for innovation in value services.

The HuffPost is the Spanish version of the prestigious American header of the same name. The edition was born in 2012 and is one of the most widely read digital native generalist media in Spain. At El HuffPost, we take a people-first approach in everything we report — be it news and politics or lifestyle and entertainment — and we cover real stories about real life. We consider the needs, passions and curiosity of our readers in all of our journalism. If something matters to our readers, it matters to us.

The 12 language editions of Euronews cover world news 24/7 in English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Persian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Every day, The Euronews team of over 500 journalists from 30 different nationalities work together reporting on relevant stories to serve a global audience, driven by solid uncompromising journalism. Euronews also has a strong relationship with NBC, enabling us to share news stories across sites and offer commercial opportunities such as PG and PMP deals on Euronews and NBC. Our audience on has more than doubled year on year with a strong presence in Europe – 52%, North America – 18%, Asia Pacific – 14%, Middle East/Africa – 9% and Latin America – 6%. We are the only international media news multi-platform service that is available in 12 languages with 35,000 videos and 460,000 articles available at any one time. Contact us to set up PMP and PG deals across Euronews and NBC combined, as well as leveraging our first party data segments.

europa press is the leading private news and multimedia agency in Spain since its foundation in 1957. More than 400 professionals produce an average of 2,000 news reports daily which are broadcasted simultaneously from the Agency teletype service to all the media (newspapers, radio, television and digital media), Press Offices of the Central Administration, Autonomous Regions, political parties and companies and therefore make it an essential information tool. The europa press website, with more than 8 million unique users and 24 million page views per month (OJD), provides information to the public, such as news and current up-to-date videos. The contents of are continuously being updated, illustrated and classified in different themes and portals. europa press is actively present in social networks. The different thematic areas of the agency broadcast the main information of the day live, through social networks, with 3 million followers on Twitter and Facebook and 752,000 subscribers in 36 channels of the YouTube Network

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) ranges among the most eminent newspapers in Germany and worldwide. It is known and trusted for political, economic and societal relevance as well as a commitment to journalistic excellence. Every single day, more than 300 editors provide first-class journalism across Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung’s print and digital properties. The multi-award-winning editorial staff draws on the strength of an in-house network of international correspondents that is among the world’s largest of its kind.

Global Media Group (GMG) is one of the biggest publishers in Portugal with a network of 18 websites that integrate all the common verticals, such as information, economics, sports and lifestyle. With strong presence in digital, we also have daily paper editions with JN and O JOGO, weekly press with DN, EVASÕES, DINHEIRO VIVO and NOTÍCIAS MAGAZINE, and the biggest information radio, TSF.

Based on the rise of new market needs and Grupo Godó’s constant effort to stay at the avantgarde of new trends, Godó Strategies offers comprehensive communication services to a wide portfolio of clients. With a team of over 130 professionals in Barcelona, Madrid, Girona, Tarragona, and Bilbao, and over 30 advertising supports, we are the first media agency in Catalonia, and one of the largest in Spain. Our focus is to offer tailor-made strategic solutions for our clients, which we tackle from a creative, innovative and optimisation-oriented perspective.

Parmi les principales régies publicitaires en Belgique, IP Belgium est celle qui exerce son activité pour le plus large éventail de médias : TV, Radio et Digital. Ses missions : Optimiser les investissements et recettes publicitaires
Optimiser les investissements publicitaires des annonceurs et de leurs agences média
- Par des solutions de communication correspondant à leurs attentes, en termes de cibles, de coût et de contexte
- Par une connaissance pointue de chaque média représenté
Optimiser les recettes publicitaires des clients média
- Par l’étude régulière de leur univers de concurrence en matière de tarifs, d’audience et de profils
- Par la maîtrise du media-planning et du media-buying
Ses forces : créativité et expertise
Le savoir-faire d’IP repose sur :
- L’innovation et la créativité permanentes en matière de communication
- La création d’outils exclusifs de gestion, de service et de prospection
- L’expertise technique
- Les qualités humaines et professionnelles de son staff

MedyaNet’s experienced team and large premium ad network that includes popular publishers help brands reach millions of users. Moreover, MedyaNet believes in continuous improvement and works in line with the innovative spirit of digital. Servicing brands in the areas of display ads, mobile ads, online video, native content, social media, influencer marketing, and performance focused marketing, MedyaNet reaches target audiences at the right time and place, with the right publisher and advertising model. MedyaNet assists brands in choosing the right marketing and publisher mix and uses its expertise to optimize campaign performances and to provide in-depth reporting. With its premium ad network, professional solutions, and accurate analyses, MedyaNet has stood behind the most successful steps taken in digital marketing for 16 years.

Motorpress Ibérica is a publishing house focused in sports, lifestlye, cars and motorbikes segments. Also a motor and sports event organizer as well as learning consultant for corporations. Sport events and “My Healthy Company” forum aim to gather people to sports practice and healthy habits. Motorpress is the organizer of Women Race, Seville Marathon and Yoga Run. Motor events try to make customers near to the product with our experts. Test drives, PR launches, Test the Best and Motociclismo Days among the examples.

Funded in 1999, Sport Network is a leading company in the Italian sports publishing. It is part of bigger editorial group publishing and selling advertising for the newspapers Corriere dello Sport and Tuttosport and many magazines like Auto, Motosprint, Autosprint, and Guerin Sportivo. With more than 20 million monthly net contacts among its advertising network and 8 million monthly unique users on his websites, Sport Network is a leader in its market.

The Economist is an English-language weekly magazine-format newspaper owned by the Economist Group and edited at offices in London. The Economist takes an editorial stance of classical and economic liberalism that supports free trade, globalisation, free immigration and cultural liberalism (such as supporting legal recognition for same-sex marriage or drug liberalisation) Each of The Economist issue’s official date range is from Saturday to the following Friday. The Economist posts each week’s new content online at approximately 2100 Thursday evening UK time, ahead of the official publication date.

The Definitive Guide To An Uncertain World. The world is ever-evolving and full of raw, untapped potential. We exist to help people navigate it all. Launched in 1994, VICE has 35 offices globally and makes 1500 pieces of content every day through five key lines of business :, an award-winning international network of digital content ; VICE Studios, a feature film and television production studio ; VICELAND, an Emmy-winning international television network ; a Peabody award-winning NEWS division ; and VIRTUE, a global, full-service creative agency with 21 offices around the world.

Vozpópuli is a digital newspaper focused in economy and political issues. It was found in 2011. The staff is formed by more than 40 people, most of them are journalists. More than 4 million users visit Vozpopuli every month. Since 2017, Vozpópuli has duplicated his audiencies because the team has implemented a huge technological change in the website. Also it has been an important transformation of the work process of the journalist, who made that the newspaper has become more attractive for the readers

WebAds was founded in 1997 as the first independent digital media sales house in the Netherlands. It expanded its presence in Italy, Spain and USA, and today represents an extensive group of leading digital publishers within its European and global network. WebAds offers a full range of digital media solutions cross-device through traditional and programmatic sales using the best technologies. Innovation, international know how, +20 years of experience in digital market are WebAds distinctive characteristics. WebAds is the dedicated Premium Publishers Network that manages the commercial and technical activities for Publishers, providing advertisers and media agencies certified and valuable audience.