Qu’est ce qu’une Supply Side Platform (SSP)? (RTB House)

Programmatic advertising is the foundation of the modern marketing world. Advertisers from around the world are competing for advertising spots with bids that take under a second. This ecosystem is made up of thousands of moving pieces, and one of the most important are Supply Side Platform, or SSPs. While most readers will have heard the term, they may still ask: “What is an SSP?”
This is one of the questions which we’ll try to answer today. 

In this article you will learn: 

  • What Supply Side Platforms do and their role in the larger programmatic advertising ecosystem. 
  • How Supply Side Platforms interact with publishers and help them connect with advertisers.
  • How a DSP like RTB House helps you connect with SSPs. 

To know more: https://blog.rtbhouse.com/what-is-a-supply-side-platform-ssp/

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